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Did you know that animals, including pregnant rabbits, are still suffering as substances are forced down their throats in tests for cosmetics in the EU?
Take action today to help stop the animal testing ban for cosmetics being undermined!

Despite the ban on animal testing for cosmetics, animals are still being used in cruel tests.
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) – with the support of the European Commission – is requesting these tests under the chemicals legislation known as the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation.
Over 400 chemicals registered under REACH are ingredients used exclusively in cosmetics, and some of these are subject to new animal testing requests by ECHA.
These tests completely undermine the purpose of the ban – to bring safe cosmetics to market without requiring new tests on animals.
Help Animals Poisoned and Killed in Cruel Cosmetics Tests
No animal deserves to suffer and be killed for the sake of lipstick or toothpaste. We’re asking the European Commission to admit that it has effectively destroyed the cosmetics animal testing ban and to take immediate remedial action. In accordance with the wishes of over 1.2 million EU citizens, the European Commission must cancel its policy allowing cosmetics ingredients to be tested on animals and instead let companies demonstrate safety using non-animal methods.