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Urge LVMH to Shed Fur and Wildlife Skins From Louis Vuitton and Other Brands

No matter what “standards” a company touts or where the products are made, suffering is rampant in the wildlife-skins trade, and it’s nearly impossible to trace the origin of leather to find out who was killed for it. Take action today for crocodiles, snakes, and other animals killed for their skin.

A disturbing, first-of-its-kind PETA Asia investigation reveals exactly how pythons are being killed for LVMH’s snakeskin bags and shoes. Investigators visited two Indonesian abattoirs that supply LVMH – which owns Louis Vuitton, Dior, Celine, and other fashion brands – and documented workers bashing snakes in the head with hammers, pumping them full of water, and skinning them – likely while they were still conscious.

A previous PETA Asia investigation showed snakes held captive in dirty wire cages and then violently killed by being pumped full of air.

The investigator also obtained footage showing piles of crocodiles with their mouths tied shut and then wrapped in bags so they couldn’t move. A worker walked on top of them and crudely electroshocked them with what appeared to be a car battery. However, reptiles don’t respond to electric stunning in the same way as other animals, and there’s no good evidence to show that it renders them unconscious before workers attempt to kill them.

Another PETA Asia investigation into crocodile farms in Vietnam that supplied skins to Louis Vuitton’s parent company, LVMH, showed thousands of reptiles lying motionless in cramped concrete pits, some narrower than the length of their own bodies.

But it’s not just reptiles who suffer. PETA US obtained footage of ostriches – whose skin is used for bumpy-textured purses sold by Louis Vuitton – showing that they’re kept in barren dirt feedlots for about a year before being sent for slaughter. In the abattoir, they’re forcibly restrained, electrically stunned, and flipped upside down, then their throats are slit in full view of their terrified flockmates.

LVMH is also still selling garments made with fur – even though the fur trade slaughters millions of animals, including foxes, coyotes, and minks, in gruesome ways each year. These animals typically spend their lives in cramped wire cages on fur farms before finally being killed by gassing, electrocution, or other ghastly methods.

Take Action Now

Every accessory made out of wildlife skins or fur and sold by Louis Vuitton represents the hideously gruesome death of a sensitive animal who just wanted to be left in peace. Please join PETA in calling on LVMH to drop wildlife skins and fur from Louis Vuitton and all its other brands. 


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