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Have you made the decision to remove animal and dairy products from your plate? If so, that's great news for your health and for animals.
What you may not have thought about, however, is that there might still be animal products hanging inside your closet – in the form of sweaters, scarves, hats and mittens. These garments may be made from the wool of sheep, goats or Tibetan antelopes. The fibres may be called "wool," "mohair," "pashmina," "shahtoosh" or "cashmere." But no matter what the label says, the production of any kind of wool garment causes harm to the animals from whom the wool is taken.

Many people may not make the connection between their clothing choices and animal suffering – especially when an animal is not killed outright for the fabric. Many sheep are victims of a barbaric operation known as "mulesing", a cruel mutilation in which chunks of flesh are cut from sheep's backsides.
Not only does choosing to buy non-wool products help animals, it also helps eliminate consumer problems that go along with wearing or using wool.
Look for the many alternatives to wool that are available – including cotton, polyester fleece, synthetic shearling and other cruelty-free fibres.
By signing the pledge below, you'll be sending a powerful message not only to the cruel wool industry but also to the designers, retailers and others who profit from the animal suffering caused by this cruel business.
So have a heart and pledge not to wear wool!