PETA Business Friends is an innovative partnership for compassionate companies willing to assist in PETA's groundbreaking work to stop animal abuse and suffering.
All Categories of PETA Business Friends Receive the Following:
- Annual subscription to PETA's informative and upbeat magazine, PETA Global
- Complimentary copies of all new PETA publications, including PETA's "Rescued" calendar
- Company listing on the PETA Web site as a PETA Business Friend
- Company listing in PETA's Annual Review as a PETA Business Friend
- Permission to use PETA Business Friend logo on company Web site
- Opportunities for blog exposure, online contests, and event and VIP gift bags
- Advance notice of new PETA campaigns, exposés, literature, books, and videos
SILVER (£300)
- Company placement in the PETA Business Friends section of the PETA Web site
- Text link on the PETA Business Friends section of the PETA Web site
- Two company features in emails sent to PETA E-News subscribers
- Company online coupons made available to PETA E-News subscribers
GOLD (£600)
- Company placement in the PETA Business Friends section of the PETA Web site, including one product spotlight for two two-week periods
- Graphic link on Business Friends page of the PETA Web site
- Three company features in emails sent to PETA E-News subscribers
- Company online coupons made available to PETA E-News subscribers
- Customised program to meet your goals
For more information, please contact our PETA Business Friends staff by e-mail at [email protected].
Inclusion in the PETA Business Friends program does not constitute an endorsement by PETA of the products or services offered by the member.
This is a yearly membership. Memberships can start at any time of the year.
Inclusion in the PETA Business Friends program does not constitute an endorsement by PETA of, and PETA takes no responsibility for, the products or services offered by the member. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Foundation is a charitable company limited by guarantee, with its registered office at Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AF. Registered in England and Wales as charity number 1056453, company number 3135903.