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Urge India to Close Facilities That Drain Blood From Horses and Donkeys

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These cruel equine-serum facilities keep animals in barren, crowded sheds and extract large amounts of blood from them to manufacture drugs.


In 2015, veterinarians and a scientist from PETA India, as well as other experts, inspected ten facilities that produce antitoxins and antivenins.

With the exception of one that outsources its work, all the facilities extract large volumes of blood from horses, donkeys, or mules. The inspectors documented many distressing problems, including the following:

  • Animals were suffering from anaemia, bleeding and infected wounds, and other serious health problems.
  • Other common physical problems included diseased hooves, malnourishment, infections, parasites, swollen limbs, abnormal gaits, and eye conditions, such as blindness.
  • The facilities often used painfully large needles in order to collect blood more quickly.
  • Many horses were fearful and anxious and struggled to get away when approached by humans.
  • Animals were typically kept in crowded, barren paddocks and often tied with ropes that severely limited their movement.
  • Many were forced to stand and lie in their own urine and faeces, and some suffered from "capped elbow", a painful inflammation and swelling of the joint caused by lying on hard floors.
  • Basic husbandry procedures such as dental care and hoof trimming appeared to be ignored, and improper tools were used for grooming.

There were numerous apparent violations of laws and guidelines, such as the failure of facilities to be registered to conduct these procedures on animals. Indian law requires people who are responsible for animals to take all reasonable measures to ensure their well-being and to prevent unnecessary pain or suffering – in stark contrast to the abuse and neglect documented at these facilities.

Please speak out and ask Indian authorities to close these cruel facilities.


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