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Did you know that dishwasher detergent, furniture polish, air freshener and laundry products may be tested on animals in cruel experiments?

Across Europe, animals such as rats, mice, rabbits and guinea pigs are used in toxicity (poisoning) tests for finished household products and their ingredients. In these tests, animals have chemicals applied to their skin, injected into their bodies, dripped into their eyes or forced down their throats via a tube. This can cause vomiting, tremors, organ failure, paralysis and even death. Even if the animals survive the tests, they are killed.
It doesn't have to be this way. There are thousands of products and ingredients that have already been proved safe for use in the home as well as an increasing number of humane testing methods which don't use animals and are more reliable. EU policy makers can spring-clean the shop aisles by insisting that only superior, non-animal methods be used to test new household products and their ingredients.
Countries, such as India and Israel, have already ended animal testing for household products and their ingredients. European policy makers must send a message to the rest of the world that they don't support torturing animals in cruel, toxic tests.
Please urge the presidents of the European Commission and the European Parliament to ban tests on animals for household products and their ingredients, and prohibit the sale and marketing of any new household products or ingredients within the EU that have been tested on animals.