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Stop Norway From Hunting and Killing Minke Whales

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Hunters in Norway are killing minke whales and throwing away their flesh.

Hunters in Norway are killing minke whales and throwing away their flesh. Yes, you read that right. So few people in Norway want to eat whale meat that fishing companies have to pay to dispose of some of the flesh of the whales they’ve slaughtered. The Norwegian whale hunt is considered the deadliest in the world, resulting in the killing of around 600 whales each year. As only 2% of Norwegians eat whale flesh regularly, the hunts are dependent on subsidies from the government, which actively seeks to develop new markets for whale-derived products.

As demand falls worldwide, the flesh of slaughtered whales can end up in dog food or simply be thrown away – a devastating waste of life. Not only do the hunts cause intense and prolonged suffering, they’re also completely unnecessary. Although commercial whaling was banned in 1986 under a global moratorium, Norway, among others, lodged an “objection” and continues the practice.

Whaling ships pursue sensitive, intelligent whales to the point of exhaustion before targeting them with exploding harpoons, which typically wound them without killing them. They’re then dragged aboard the vessels and shot repeatedly with high-powered rifles. It often takes over an hour for a whale to die this way.

Please help stop this bloody slaughter by writing to Norway’s prime minister, asking him to end the hunts immediately.

Prime Minister
Gahr Støre

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