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Ask South Africa and Zimbabwe to Ban Canned Hunting

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Canned hunts are nothing more than pre-packaged slaughters for people with too much money and not enough heart. Call for them to be banned.

Wild lion

The world was shaken by the sickening story of Cecil the Lion – the beautiful wild animal who was lured from Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe by professional hunters and shot with a crossbow by an American dentist who had reportedly paid around £32,000 to go on the hunt.

Several of the hunters involved in this revolting incident are facing charges, but that's not enough. It's time for barbaric trophy hunting to be banned for good.

Canned hunts are big business in Africa, where large private landowners allow hunters to pay to kill not only lions but also elephants, lions, leopards, rhinos, giraffes, zebras, hippos, deer, and antelope – many of them rare or endangered. Because these animals are usually kept in fenced enclosures, they never stand a chance of escaping, fighting back or surviving, and many endure prolonged, painful deaths.

Send a quick message to the Presidents of South Africa and Zimbabwe – two of the most popular locations for trophy hunters – and ask them to stop allowing heartless foreigners to murder Africa's wildlife for "fun".

South Africa

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