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Marks & Spencer has sold out to schemes involving bogus wool industry standards and turned its back on animals – take action now! The decision to overturn its ban on alpaca wool – which was put in place after watching PETA’s groundbreaking exposé revealing that crying alpacas, including pregnant animals, are roughly shorn and left cut up and bleeding from deep wounds for their fleece – is a slap in the face to compassionate customers. Tell M&S to reinstate the ban.

This Is Not Just Cruelty. This Is M&S Cruelty.
This isn’t the first time M&S has betrayed animals. A PETA Asia investigation previously revealed that the retailer bought feathers from slaughterhouses in Vietnam where workers stab conscious, shrieking ducks in the neck and cut off their legs.
What’s Wrong With Using Alpaca Wool?
An undercover investigation into Mallkini – the world’s largest privately owned alpaca farm, in Peru – shows that workers held struggling, crying alpacas by the ears as they were roughly shorn with electric clippers, causing some to vomit out of fear.
The quick, rough shearing left the animals with deep wounds, which were sewn up without adequate pain relief.
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Workers also slammed pregnant alpacas onto tables. They tied them tightly by the legs into a restraining device reminiscent of a medieval torture rack and pulled hard, nearly wrenching the animals’ legs out of their sockets.
The alpacas struggled, risking and likely incurring injuries. Restraint is highly distressing to these prey animals, who fear that they’re about to be killed.
Take Action
If M&S wants to stay on the high street and in the good graces of today’s socially conscious consumers, it must take the high road and ban alpaca wool – and all animal-derived clothing and accessories – from its stores. Please join PETA in calling on the brand to do exactly that!