EGYPTAIR: Stop Shipping Monkeys to Their Deaths!

EGYPTAIR has apparently gone back on its word and resumed shipping monkeys to their deaths in laboratories – after it promised to end this cruel practice in August 2022.

The airline pledged to protect primates after receiving over 100,000 e-mails from PETA entities worldwide. However, PETA US has discovered that the airline has apparently since shipped approximately 500 long-tailed macaques from the island nation of Mauritius to John F Kennedy International Airport in New York.

Over 5,500 Monkeys Shipped

Like others shipped by the airline in the past, these 500 animals were bound for torment in laboratories – even though the International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed long-tailed macaques as an endangered species. Moreover, they were reportedly shipped from a monkey-breeding company that has been in the midst of an outbreak of tuberculosis, a highly infectious disease that is known to be transmissible from monkeys to humans

Between March and August 2022, when it promised to stop the practice, EGYPTAIR shipped more than 5,000 macaques to their deaths in US laboratories. This latest shipment is a blatant violation of its pledge that in view of its support of “the vision and mission” of animal protection organisations, it would no longer transport monkeys to laboratories.

Please take action to ensure the airline keeps its promise by urging it to follow the example of other airlines and stop transporting monkeys for experiments.

Terrifying Journeys Over 30 Hours Long

Every year, tens of thousands of monkeys are sent to the US to be imprisoned in laboratories and tormented in experiments that consistently fail to lead to meaningful scientific advances.

These highly social and sensitive individuals are either captured in nature or bred in captivity on squalid factory farms, where many die from injury or disease. Those who survive are crammed into small wooden crates and confined to the dark, terrifying cargo holds of planes for more than 30 hours.

Major Airlines Have Ended This Outdated Practice

Thanks to the efforts of PETA entities, other animal protection organisations, and caring people around the globe, nearly every major airline in the world has stopped transporting monkeys to laboratories. Let’s use our collective voice again to urge EGYPTAIR to join them!

Take Action Now

Please sign our petition urging EGYPTAIR to stop transporting monkeys to laboratories.

Eng Yehia Zakaria
Chair and CEO

RE: Stop Sending Primates to Their Deaths in Laboratories

UN MIS Petition Description Text - *Important Note* You must UNLINK this shared library component before making page-specific customizations.

Dear Eng Zakaria:

I was outraged to learn that EGYPTAIR has apparently resumed the cruel practice of transporting monkeys for use in experiments. I was relieved when the airline promised to protect primates in August 2022 and urge you to reinstate this pledge.

Nearly every major airline in the world refuses to ship monkeys to laboratories. Once they reach their destination, animals may be mutilated, poisoned, deprived of food and water, forcibly immobilised in restraint devices, infected with painful and deadly diseases, psychologically tormented, and killed.

In addition to enduring misery in laboratories, these monkeys suffer during the long and gruelling journey in the cargo holds of planes and in the backs of lorries. They can also carry pathogens that threaten public health and safety, including that of your crew members. An EGYPTAIR shipment of 500 long-tailed macaques in 2023 was from a monkey-breeding company in the midst of a tuberculosis outbreak.

EGYPTAIR shouldn’t be involved in this dangerous and ethically reprehensible practice in any way. Please reinstate the pledge and stop shipping monkeys to laboratories.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


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