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Urge IKEA to Stop Selling Animal Skin

Each sofa, seat, or cushion made from leather is a direct result of animal abuse. For furniture sold by IKEA, workers slit cows’ throats and peel off their skin. The international furniture company claims to be committed to tackling the climate catastrophe, yet it continues to sell leather – the most environmentally damaging material on the market. Please join us in calling on IKEA to stop selling leather.

Cows are intelligent, sensitive animals who feel pain and fear, just like we do, but in the leather industry, they’re burned, electroshocked, beaten, and slaughtered. Cows and other animals who are killed for their skin endure the horrors of factory farming: extreme crowding and deprivation as well as castration, branding, and tail-docking – all without any painkillers.

Leather is no friend to the environment. Animal agriculture and its methane- and nitrous oxide–inducing co-products, including leather, are leading contributors to the climate catastrophe.

A growing number of forward-thinking companies now use vegan materials to create cruelty-free furniture. In the past, IKEA has made positive changes by expanding the plant-based options on its menus around the globe. Join PETA in asking it to now make another compassionate choice by ditching leather.


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