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Tell Nigerian Officials to Stop Social Media Animal Torturer!

PETA US has received disturbing reports of yet another sadistic individual in Nigeria styling himself as a “native doctor” and posting videos of himself torturing and killing animals on Facebook and TikTok using the profile name “Oba Ogun”. Other videos show animals bound and defenceless or writhing in pain. We will not link to the videos to avoid driving traffic to the accounts and incentivising further cruelty, but you can find more information in an e-mail PETA US sent to Nigerian officials here.

© We Animals Media / Savaş Onur Şen


The man appears to be operating in Lagos State or Ogun State in Nigeria, and he includes a WhatsApp number on his social media profiles, presumably so he can solicit requests and money for his gruesome exploits.

Section 495 of Nigeria’s Criminal Code Act prohibits torturing animals and causing them unnecessary suffering, and Section 450 criminalises the unlawful wounding and killing of animals. The actions in these videos appear to violate both sections. PETA US swiftly alerted Nigerian officials but is yet to receive a response – and without immediate action, animals will continue to suffer!

Please contact the following officials in Nigeria, politely urging them to investigate this matter using the information provided by PETA US and intervene swiftly before more animals suffer:

M. Fayoade
Lagos State Police Command

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