Did you know that it’s still mandatory for school caterers in England to serve meat (including fish) and dairy?
Urge your MP to write to the education secretary calling for the revision of the School Food Standards.
Outdated Health Standards
The regulations are incongruous with the government’s own nutritional advice to the public, the Eatwell Guide, which recommends that nutritional needs be met with animal-free protein sources such as beans, peas, lentils, and mycoprotein.
Mandatory servings of meat (including fish) and dairy – foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat – can contribute to obesity and other health problems, while a balanced diet of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, pulses, and sources of unsaturated plant-based fats can help children stay healthy.
Children Need Us to Protect the Climate
Children (and all of us) need a planet to live on. Since all animal agriculture generates vastly greater volumes of greenhouse gas than the production of plant-based equivalents does, requiring schools to serve animal-derived foods contributes to the climate catastrophe. When the United Nations, scientists worldwide, and the government’s own climate advisors are calling for a reduction in meat and dairy consumption, why are they still mandatory on school menus?
Major Public Support
PETA’s campaign to drop the meat mandate has been backed by Sir Paul McCartney and his family, award-winning teen vegan chef Omari McQueen, MPs including Caroline Lucas and Dame Diana Johnson DBE, over 40 English councillors, Greenpeace UK, Meat Free Monday, Upfield, Quorn, and others. It’s time the education secretary backed the campaign, too.
Help Give Children Healthier Meals
The Department for Education must change the outdated School Food Standards to remove obligatory servings of meat (including fish) and dairy. Do you live in England? Urge your MP to write to the education secretary, asking that she revise these rules now.