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Urge Your MP to Support an End to Animal Experimentation!

In June 2024, the Labour Party pledged to work towards phasing out animal testing – yet it needs an actionable plan to achieve this. PETA is due to present our strategy for ending experiments on animals, but we need your help! Please help free animals from laboratory cages by urging your MP to support PETA’s event.

© Roger Kingbird / We Animals Media

The Labour Party’s Pledge

The party’s manifesto pledges to work towards phasing out testing on animals and “partner with scientists, industry, and civil society” to reach this goal.

A Life of Imprisonment and Torture

Experimenters subject living, feeling beings to almost unbearable physical and psychological suffering. In the UK, dogs are force-fed pesticides, rabbits are burned with chemicals, and experimenters inflict brain injuries on mice before decapitating them. Countless other animals are poisoned, deliberately infected, paralysed, or electrocuted.

Earlier this year, PETA documented that right here in the UK, experimenters injected drugs into rabbits’ eyes. Their tears were collected for analysis before they were killed and dissected. Over 2.6 million procedures were carried out on sentient individuals in 2023 in Britain – this needs to end.

PETA’s Research Modernisation Deal

The Labour Party must develop a roadmap to ending all experiments on animals – and PETA scientists have already devised a comprehensive plan that policymakers can follow. Our groundbreaking Research Modernisation Deal provides a clear six-point strategy, including increasing funds for the development of non-animal testing methods, to assist the government in phasing out all experiments on animals.

The Parliamentary Reception

PETA’s event will help promote our Research Modernisation Deal and push the government into action. While the reception is not open to the public, you can still help by urging your MP to attend.

Take Action Now

Please urge your MP to attend the parliamentary reception on ending experiments on animals in the UK.

Fill out the form below to send a message to your MP. Your address will be used to find your MP’s contact details, and it will be included in your message to allow them to verify that you are a constituent.

Please note that a UK address is required to complete this action.

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