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Urge Election Candidates to Crack Down on Cruelty to Animals!

Rishi Sunak has called a general election for 4 July 2024. This election will impact the lives of billions of sentient beings for years to come. That’s why we’re calling on UK election candidates to make pledges on 10 key issues to help ensure a kinder future for animals. Help us by urging your local candidates to support these pledges.

Whether it’s inside laboratories or on factory farms, city streets, or country lanes, animals across the UK face enormous cruelty. But together, we can #CrackDownOnCruelty and make sure animals aren’t forgotten on the campaign trail or at the ballot box.

© StopGavage.com

Crack Down on Cruelty

Below are the 10 key issues PETA and more than 20 other UK animal protection groups are calling for candidates to support:

  1. Animal Protection Commissioner
    Appoint a commissioner and establish a cross-government animal protection strategy to benefit humans, the planet, and animals.
  2. Trade
    Ban trading in cruelty, including imports of fur, foie gras, and hunting trophies.
  3. Intensive Farming
    Implement subsidies to support farmers in transitioning away from animal farming – including the use of cages and crates – and towards plant-based food production that is healthier, kinder, and more sustainable.
  4. Wildlife
    Introduce stronger protections, including a complete UK ban on snares and glue traps, updated laws to protect marine animals, tighter legislations on zoos and the trading and keeping of exotic animals, and extended maximum sentences for wildlife offences.
  5. Animal Testing
    Install a government-led roadmap with an ambitious plan to end all experiments on animals alongside strategic funding to accelerate the uptake and development of non-animal methods in research and testing.
  6. Hunting
    Strengthen the Hunting Act 2004 by banning trail hunting and removing exemptions that enable other forms of hunting.
  7. Badger Cull
    End the ineffective and unscientific badger cull and invest in an effective bovine tuberculosis plan that prioritises animal welfare.
  8. Aquatic Animals
    Increase legal protections for fish in existing farms and suspend permissions for the construction of new salmon farms pending an independent welfare inquiry into the problems of the industry. Add decapod crustaceans and cephalopods to the Animal Welfare Act, and end sales of live crustaceans to the public.
  9. Shooting
    Ban the cruel and environmentally harmful industrial production and release of pheasants and partridges for shooting.
  10. Dogs
    Introduce stronger laws to stop puppy smuggling.

Animals Need You

Together, we can make sure animals aren’t forgotten on the campaign trail or at the ballot box. Showing your local candidates that you want to know where they stand on key animal protection issues can help make sure they represent the interests of animals and yourself.

Take Action

Politicians need to know that animals matter in this election. Ask your local candidates to pledge to crack down on cruelty and speak up for animals if elected.

Please note that you must have a UK address to complete this action.

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Staying in Touch
As a PETA supporter, you're already helping to save the lives of animals. To show you how we put our supporters' donations to good use and to provide you with information on ways you can continue to help animals, including how to become a PETA member or make donations to support our work, we may contact you by post using the information you've provided in this form.

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